Your Health, Our Priority: Comprehensive Insurance Solutions


Coverage: Term insurance provides a death benefit to the beneficiaries if the policyholder passes away during the term of the policy. The coverage amount is chosen by the policyholder at the time of purchase.

Term Length: Term insurance policies have a defined term or duration, which can range from 5 to 30 years or more, depending on the policy selected.

Premiums: Policyholders pay regular premiums to maintain the coverage. Term insurance premiums are typically lower compared to other life insurance types, such as whole life or universal life.

Renewability: Some term policies offer the option to renew at the end of the term. However, the premiums may increase substantially upon renewal.

Convertible: Many term insurance policies are convertible, allowing policyholders to convert them into permanent life insurance policies without undergoing a medical examination.

No Cash Value: Term insurance does not build cash value or savings. It is purely a death benefit policy.

Lapse: If the policyholder stops paying premiums, the coverage will lapse, and there will be no death benefit.

Affordability: Term insurance offers substantial coverage for a relatively low premium, making it an affordable option for protecting the financial well-being of beneficiaries.

Financial Security: In the event of the policyholder's death during the term, term insurance provides financial security and support to the beneficiaries.

Flexibility: Policyholders can choose the term length and coverage amount to suit their specific needs and budget.

Convertible: Convertible term insurance allows policyholders to transition to a permanent life insurance policy if their needs change.

Renewability: Renewable term policies offer the option to extend coverage beyond the initial term.